In its role as a customer of the farmers it serves, fenaco ensures that Swiss produce – from fruit, vegetables, pota-toes and grain to meat and beverages – is made available to consumers. And as a supplier, fenaco offers a wide range of products and services required for sustainable, efficient and market-oriented farming.
The Agro Business Field provides farmers with production resources, including seeds, beneficial insects, plant feed, crop protection products and animal feed, as well as agricultural equipment. It markets grain, oilseeds and livestock, and supports farmers in their work by providing them with a wide range of advisory services.
Our companies and brands in the Agro Business Field
Food Industry
This business field produces high-quality foodstuffs – including fruit, vegetables, grain, potatoes, eggs, beverages and meat – and brings them to the con-sumer through a variety of channels. Its key customers include restaurant chains, the hotel and catering industry, hospitals, care homes, butchers and leading Swiss retailers, including Volg and LANDI.
Our companies and brands in the Food Industry Business Field
Retail Trade
The Volg Group operates three successful retail formats, with a focus on village shops and con-venience stores. It supplies over 900 points of sale: Volg, Top-Shop and Prima. Cadar, a retail wholesaler, supplies an additional 600 customers, including around 100 'ma fée' shops. The 270 LANDI shops are leaders in the home and garden area. They are known for their unique product mix, reliable quality and consistently low prices.
Our companies and brands in the Retail Trade Business Field
The Energy Business Field comprises the energy provider AGROLA, which, in addition to running more than 400 filling stations in rural areas, has es-tablished itself as a leading supplier in the heating oil and wood pellet business. AGROLA is also active in new energies and photovoltaics.
Our members
Our members, the farmers of Switzerland, supply fenaco with various kinds of agricultural produce. They can acquire the inputs they need to farm sustainably, efficiently and safely from fenaco. And those who are LANDI members can influence fenaco through their participation.