Our sustainability efforts have been translated into 14 measurable goals that feed in to all 7 long-term priority areas. They apply to the period 2019–2025.
Priority area Market environment
Goal 1
fenaco’s share of Swiss food raw materials and products is higher than the national self-sufficiency ratio for those same products.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: 90.4% of the most important food raw materials that we traded in and processed came from Switzerland. The Swiss self-sufficiency ratio for those same products was 78.6%. We have thus achieved our goal.
Goal 2
fenaco’s share of Swiss animal feed raw materials and products is higher than the national self-sufficiency ratio for those same products.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: 39.0% of the most important raw materials for animal feed that we traded in and processed came from Switzerland. The Swiss self-sufficiency ratio for those same products was 39.3%. The main driver is grain maize, with self-marketing by farmers playing an important role. This means we have narrowly failed to achieve our goal. Measures are being implemented.
Priority area Innovation and processes
Goal 3
fenaco invests at least CHF 1 million a year in innovative technologies and processes – thus also promoting them sustainably.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: fenaco's contributions to innovation totalled over CHF 4 million. Investments were made in long-term research collaborations and in the company’s own innovation projects. We have thus achieved our goal.
Priority area Corporate responsibility
Goal 4
fenaco is not involved in instances of corruption in Switzerland or abroad.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: The zero tolerance requirement was met. As in previous years, no incidents took place. We have thus achieved our goal.
Goal 5
fenaco is not involved in any instances of anti-competitive behaviour.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: The zero tolerance requirement was met. As in previous years, no incidents took place. We have thus achieved our goal.
Priority area Society
Goal 6
In communes with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, fenaco provides 1.5 times as many jobs as all Swiss employers on average – in this way, fenaco promotes employment in rural areas.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: At 61%, fenaco’s share of jobs in communes with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants was very high. This equates to a factor of 1.6 compared to the national average. We have thus achieved our goal.
Priority area Employees
Goal 7
Proportion of women in management positions at fenaco to increase each year.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: Just over 20% of employees (FTEs) in management positions were female. That was slightly more than in the previous year. We have thus achieved our goal.
Goal 8
Fluctuation rate in each organisational unit at fenaco to fall each year.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: The fluctuation rate fell slightly but not in all organisational units. This means we have not achieved our goal. Measures are being implemented.
Goal 9
Number of sick leave days due to illness and occupational accident in each organisational unit at fenaco to remain stable.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: Absence rates among employees increased. However, the figures are not fully comparable due to a change in the way in which they are calculated. This means we have not achieved our goal. Measures are being implemented.
Priority area Soil and nutrition
Goal 10
fenaco implements measures to reduce food waste and is integrated into the national food donation system.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: Thanks to food donations, the sale of products at significantly reduced prices and food upcycling (i.e. the further processing of food industry production waste and side streams into high-quality foodstuffs) a great deal of food waste was once again prevented: 903 tonnes in total. We have thus achieved our goal.
Goal 11
fenaco plays a leading role in alternative crop protection and helps to protect an increasing number of areas each year with alternative methods.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: The number of hectares treated with alternative crop protection methods has risen to just over 20,000. We have thus achieved our goal.
Priority area Energy and climate
Goal 12
Between 2013 and 2024, fenaco will increase its energy efficiency by 18% (federal government target) or 24% (internal target) respectively.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: Our energy efficiency has increased by 22% since 2013. This means we have significantly exceeded the target set in the agreement with the federal government and are on track to achieve our in-house target.
Goal 13
fenaco will reduce its CO2 emissions by 2% a year from 2013 to 2024.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: We have cut 31% of our CO2 emissions from fuels since 2013. This means that we are on track to meet the target agreed with the federal government.
Goal 14
fenaco will increase the amount of self-generated photovoltaic electricity in its total electricity consumption to 10%. That corresponds to around 18,000 MWh.
Progress towards achieving goal in 2023: Compared to the previous year, the number of photovoltaic systems rose sharply to 86. At the same time, output (17,694 MWh) and yield (17,796 MWh) also increased. Photovoltaic energy accounted for 10.5% of our total electricity consumption. We have thus achieved our goal.