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Innovation and processes

We focus on product and process innovations in all areas of our business.

Innovation & Prozesse

Our claim: we focus on product and process innovations in all areas of our business.

This means

  • Use of forward-facing agricultural, logistical and production technologies
  • Ongoing optimisation of internal processes
  • New products with additional benefits for customers and consumers
  • Internal innovation processes through committed development teams
  • Active cooperation with science and research

Why innovation and processes are important

The fenaco cooperative epitomises the future of Swiss agricultural production. We aim to help farmers improve their production, making it more efficient and more sustainable.

Innovation is a result of advances in knowledge, capabilities and action. It requires a future-oriented company culture and mindset that is designed to build on our strengths in the long term. Innovation is not only about new things. It’s also about critically examining and optimising existing processes, technologies and products to increase their efficiency.

What’s more, fenaco is an important employer for graduates from technical schools and universities with degrees in the areas of agronomy and food technology. Our contacts to research and development institutions as well as recognising and using the potential of young, motivated talent are key to our success.

Our goals

We measure our sustainability performance with 14 goals. The goals in the area of innovation and processes can be found here.

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