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Soil and nutrition

We support agricultural development and are committed to practices that promote farmland, biodiversity and food safety.

Boden & Nahrung

Our claim: we support agricultural development and are committed to practices that strengthen cultivated land, biodiversity and food safety. 

This means: 

— Consultation and on-site support for farmers 
— Resource-conserving production
— Technical and training expertise
— Certified quality labels 
— International cooperation with selected partners 
— Commitment to combating food waste 
— Guaranteeing and improving animal welfare and species-appropriate forms of livestock farming

Why soil and nutrition are important 

Earth’s resources – whether renewable or not – are limited. And they have to meet the needs of the world’s ever-growing population. A population that relies on a healthy environment and sufficient food. Altered climate conditions add to the challenge. The agricultural methods that can be used to produce food today will perhaps no longer work in the future.

In order to continue providing Swiss consumers with healthy, high-quality food, the agricultural industry must be committed to broad-based, multifaceted solutions. These include breeding site-appropriate plant varieties, developing alternative plant-protection measures and continuing education programmes for farmers. Resource efficiency must be supported and biodiversity protected. This is precisely where the fenaco cooperative comes in with its investments in research and technology and its advisory services. To reduce food waste, it is also just as important to use the food for its intended purpose. 

Our goals 

We measure our sustainability performance with 14 goals. The goals in the area of soil and nutrition can be found here

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